§ 137-8. Application for certificate of appropriateness.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Prior to the commencement of any work requiring a certificate of appropriateness, the owner should file an application for such a certificate with the Department of Planning and Development, Building Division. The application shall contain:
    The name, address and telephone number of owner/applicant.
    A color glossy photograph of eight by ten (8 x 10) inches of the property.
    A written narrative regarding proposed work and a statement of reasons why proposed work is necessary.
    Elevational drawings of proposed changes, if appropriate.
    Perspective drawings, including relationship to adjacent properties.
    Survey maps prepared by a licensed land surveyor detailing the existing topography and the location and dimensions of all existing significant trees and other vegetation and site plans of all existing and proposed development and modification of natural features, proposed easements and such other information as the Planning Board, Historic Preservation Commission and Town Board shall consider necessary to justify approval of the authorization requested.
    Samples of color or materials to be used.
    Where the proposal includes signs or lettering, a scale drawing showing the type of lettering to be used, all dimensions and colors, a description of materials to be used, method of illumination and a plan showing the sign's location on the property.
    Any other information which the Planning Board, Historic Preservation Commission or Town Board may deem necessary in order to visualize the proposed work.
    No building permit shall be issued for such proposed work until a certificate of appropriateness has first been approved by the Town Board. The certificate of appropriateness required by this chapter shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any building permit that may be required by any other Town code of the Town of Babylon.
    All decisions of the Town Board shall be by Town Board resolution. A copy of the Town Board resolution shall be sent to the applicant by registered mail, and a copy shall be filed within the Town Clerk's office for public inspection. The Town Board's resolution shall state the reasons for denying or modifying any application.