§ 213-107. Applicability of C Residence District regulations.

Latest version.
  • Anything in this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, in a Residence District, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be erected or altered for any of the uses which are prohibited in a C Residence District pursuant to § 213-92 of this Code. The following specifications, applicable to a C Residence District pursuant to the following sections of this Code, shall apply equally to a D Residence District:
    Height of buildings, pursuant to § 213-93.
    Lot area, pursuant to § 213-94.
    Front yard depth, pursuant to § 213-95.
    Corner lots, pursuant to § 213-96.
    Double front lots, pursuant to § 213-97.
    Side yards, pursuant to § 213-98.
    Rear yards, pursuant to § 213-99.
    Building area, pursuant to § 213-100.
    Accessory buildings, pursuant to § 213-101, except that no accessory buildings shall be built within three feet of any side or rear lot line or nearer than 45 feet to any street line.
    Fences, hedges and shrubbery, pursuant to § 213-102.
    Permitted encroachments, pursuant to § 213-103.
    Size of buildings, pursuant to § 213-105.
    Editor's Note: Former Subsection L, regarding specifications for signs, was repealed 9-25-1990, which ordinance also redesignated former Subsection M as Subsection L.
    Subject to the provisions of §§ 86-8B, 86-10 and 86-11, not more than one boat for every 35 feet of water frontage, up to three boats, or as determined by the Planning Board in a subdivision map at the time of plat approval, shall be docked at or placed upon such real property where such real property is not improved by any buildings or structures used as a residence or where the owner of the real property does not use the premises as his/her principal residence.
    [Added 8-17-1993 by L.L. No. 6-1993]